
Domain Holder Contact Request Form

Due to recent changes in privacy laws, the email address of the registered name holder for domains (also known as the domain holder, owner or registrant) cannot be disclosed. Please use the form below to initiate a request for a registered email address on file for the specified domain to Perfect Privacy LLC, as the domain registrant.

Please note: We cannot guarantee that the registrant will comply with your contact request once it has been submitted.


  • The information you submit will be emailed to the domain name holder, administrator, management, or technical contact.
  • You are responsible for evaluating both your forwarding request and the content of the email. Ensure that no spam or abusive messages are sent, as you will be responsible for the effects on the recipient.
  • Harakiri only provides automated email forwarding services and does not review or guarantee the accuracy of the content beyond legal obligations.
  • Please note that due to the nature of network communications, email delivery may not always be timely or accurate. Emails may be intercepted by the recipient’s spam filters and such problems remain your responsibility regardless of the use of Trustname’s services.
  • This service is only for email forwarding for domain names managed by Trustname. For other domain names, please contact the relevant domain registrar.
